Gallery Section
Under Construction

The assignment was something along the lines of "less then three seconds passing in more than three frames." I, uh, really like how the first panel turned out. Not sure where that came from. Other parts are kinda sketchy, but whatever, I got carried away with it. Color, more and harder shading, or, at the very least, darker lines would've been nice, but I was pretty pressed for time. Not much else to say, other than that Infected Mushroom has some awesome stuff if you weed out all the annoying sound-the-same trancey songs with the omnipresent bass quarternotes.

Hmm, looking at it now, I think I made the first two frames more realistic/detailed/whatever in normal to make up for a #$%& submission I did a couple weeks ago. Oh man, I'll never get over how much that sucked. Trying to fit details on printer painter divided into three rows and two columns is a horrible idea.
© 2003-2004 and ; Coding and coding errors courtesy of Daniel Ellsworth